PRAYING MANTIS: 'Turn The Tide' Video Released

May 15, 2009

"Turn The Tide", the new video from NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) legends PRAYING MANTIS, can be viewed below. The song comes off the band's new studio album, "Sanctuary", which is scheduled for release in Europe on June 5 via Frontiers Records (July 14 in the U.S.). The CD was recorded in Atlanta, Georgia under the direction of producer/engineer Andy Reilly (ASIA, THE CULT, BRUCE DICKINSON, FM, etc). "Hard to believe but MANTIS have been in existence for over thirty years," says bassist Chris Troy. "Quite incredible, really, that we are still there releasing albums and maturing nicely. This also coincides with the 30th anniversary since the inception of NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal). IRON MAIDEN have obviously made it and just as importantly have managed to stay up there for this long time. Well done, lads! By the way, the album title 'Sanctuary' has no relationship to them!! However, we do share some history and maybe this album will put us up there with them."

He continued, "I know it's probably a cliché statement used by so many bands, but I do honestly believe it is by far the best thing we have ever done. The lyrics on most songs are quite deep and in some ways dark but I think these suit the music which is intrinsically based on minor chord structures (the saddest chords !). There are some real epics and dueling guitar harmonies in the standard MANTIS style and all the fans who have heard it so far have been giving us some great feedback."

"Sanctuary" track listing:

01. In Time
02. Threshold Of Dream
03. Broken Chains
04. Playing God
05. Restless Heart
06. Turn The Tide
07. Touch The Rainbow
08. Cry In The Rain
09. So High
10. Highway
11. Sanctuary

Check out audio samples at this location.


Tino Troy - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Chris Troy - Bass, Backing Vocals
Benjy Reid - Drums
Andy Burgess - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Mike Freeland - Lead Vocals

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